Palos Heights Chiropractors : Dr. Robert Wright and Team
Dr. Robert Wright, Chiropractic Physician, Certified Clinical Nutritionist, Certified Applied Kinesiologist
Dr. Wright has become known as the “go-to Doctor” when patients need answers.
With his vast clinical nutrition, patients are also seeking his expertise for their family’s Overall General Health as well, knowing natural and holistic medicine is the route we should try first. Dr. Wright, a graduate of the prestigious National School of Health Sciences has been serving the Palos / Orland and surrounding communities for over 30 years now. His comfortable manner and honesty with patients have gained him a reputation in the community as “the doctor where family and friends refer.”
Donna Carvelli
Chiropractic & Therapy Assistant
From the moment I set foot in the office, I knew this was where I needed and wanted to be…
My medical background, as well as being a mother of a child with food and environmental allergies, has given me the experience and knowledge to know how important it is to listen to our bodies; whether it is pain getting our attention, digestive issues that happen much too frequently or a rash as the body’s way or ridding itself of something.
I absolutely enjoy empowering patients with education and understanding, giving them the power to play a vital role in their body’s own healing process. These patients, I find, live happier, healthier and more quality lives … no matter what age they’re at!